Homeschooling with Charlotte Mason in the Natural State

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Weekend Events in the Natural State

What better way to show the kids "living thoughts" than by using your weekend to enjoy what Arkansas has to offer on these thoughts...


Displaying the wonderful works of Norman Rockwell thru May 27th. They have on display there 50 original paintings and 323 Saturday Evening Post covers and works of how he worked.  Tickets have to be reserved. Admission is $12 for adults and children 18 and younger are free.

picture by Arkansas Art Center

Don't forget the Childrens Theater at the Arkansas Arts Center. Now playing till May 12th.

The Conway Dinner Theater presents L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz Young Performers’ Edition at 7 p.m..
- Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism
Admission is Adults $12 Children 10 & under $5


 At the town square, what better way to see true craftmanship.
They will be displaying quilts that are new and older ones 75-100 years old. Admission is $5.

 is having Wonders of Wildflowers Weekend.
There will be hikes games and crafts. Admission is free.

Learn to tie a fly along with different styles and types of flies the anglers fish with in the area. Admission is free.

Introductio to the art of Fly Fishing. Admission is free.


Learn about who and what it was like for the first settlers in this area. Admission is free.

On Satuday, May 4th at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Fort Smith National Historic Site will present a program about the realities faced by soldiers in battle during the Civil War and fire a replica cannon. Admission is free I do beleive.

 On May 4th a walking tour at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Fort Smith Museum of History
This is a really neat experince last year my kids and I had the opprotunity to go and visit this site. My kids loved it and this was just us looking at everything. I'm sure a real "walk with the Judge" would be a great trip. I would shou you some pictures but of course I can't seem to find them, sorry.

Civil War Symposium that will provide briefings on the Battle of Pea Ridge; The Campaign on Little Rock; Freemasonry During the Civil War and Archeology and Relic Recovery.

- Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism


 There will be guided hikes, crafts and games, as well as a live bird of prey program. There is something for everyone during this wonderful celebration of spring migration
- Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism

Ozark Birders' Springtime Retreat at Bull Shoals
Will have something for beginners to advanced birders. Lots of fun activities and clinics to learn more. Childrens programs available too. Admission is free.
Fish of Cane Creek Lake at Star City
What a great way to do Nature Study while learning the fish in Cane Creek Lake. Park Interpreter Don will discuss this with you. Admission is free.

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