Homeschooling with Charlotte Mason in the Natural State

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What we are working on

   Hello again everyone. I thought today you might like a sneak peak into our house of what we do in a days work.  It amazes me how the different seasons in our life gives explanations as to what we study in school

Scripture Memory (good system to follow is at Simply Charlotte Mason)
Catechism Questions from Christian Liberty Press
Picture Study (Right now studying Leonardo De Vinci)
Spelling Power
Writing with Ease
Story of the World
Burgess Animal Book (Kids read it to the little ones)
Beginning Reading
Singapore Math

We alternate Picture Study with Music Study, Poetry Study, etc. on other days. We do our best to get all this done in a day but sometimes something might be accidentally be left out. So we just make it up the next day or the next time we study that certain subject.

Now these subjects/books above are what I would like to accomplish in a day. Does that ever happen? Sometimes. :) This is my schedule when lifes seasons hit us, like sickness, new babies, etc:


We usually do our scripture memory and bible time anyways as a family. So when lifes seasons change for all of us let's make sure to give ourselves some room to breathe.

I mean after all we are not just schooling. We are cleaning house, making a home, cooking meals, cleaning meals, cleaning boo-boos, doing all the chores a mother has to do. So don't forget to breathe! (Yes, I'm talking to myself. Or am I talking to you too?)

I hope all of us remember that it is okay if for a day/week/month/etc our children don't get all these subjects that Charlotte taught it is still going to be okay. We haven't scared them for life. Remember too to pray and ask for grace during these seasons. God's grace is sufficient for all.

God's grace be with you all homeschoolers!

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