Homeschooling with Charlotte Mason in the Natural State

Friday, February 7, 2014

Do you garden by the moon?

Did you know that the Farmer's Almanac has been used for over 300 years? Hard to believe, guess they must know what they are doing to be around this long, right?

An Upcoming Event:

Garven Gardens, located in Hot Springs National Park, AR, is having a wonderful class on gardening by phases of the moon. Does the Farmer's Almanac really have something to it? Can you really tell by the moons phases when to plant, prune, and harvest your crops?

On February 10, 2014 Garven Woodland Gardens will be discussing these things in their

Gardening 101: Gardening by the Moon: When to Plant, Prune and Harvest

 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., Magnolia Room

Free members/$10 non-members. Pre-registration is required.

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