Homeschooling with Charlotte Mason in the Natural State

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I posted yesterday some addition math flashcards for you guys to use. I thought I might also mention some great resources about math the Charlotte Mason way. I have read both of these books and they are great. Sometimes you might seem a little overwhelmed by it all but just remember to take it slow.
Mathematics: An Instrument for Living TeachingYour Business Math Pet Store
I didn't have these great resources to read when my oldest children were young so we are trying to go back now and truely learn the Charlotte Mason way. I think they are being able to connect what they have already learned and are being able to understand it more easily than before.
Your Business Math Pet Store
This product I haven't used as of yet but have read over it. As a business owner myself, I already try to involve the kids in the "numbers" of business. However, like I said before I want them to have a firm foundation in the basics before moving on to this resource.

Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching
Along with the Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching, my children and I use Saxon Math as of right now. After reading the Mathematics book I do my best at taking the lesson from Saxon and teaching it in more of a hands on Charlotte Mason way rather than textbook way. (Confession!) I do like Saxon Math in that if I'm busy helping another child or busy with my own business, Saxon is written well and the lessons explained so that the children can read the lesson and understand it 90% of the time.

These are just my thought on Math so far. I can't won't :) however tell you how many times I've changed from one curriculum of math to another :) but that is the beauty of homeschool. If your children don't get something or it is too advanced for them you can switch to another math curriculum.

I would love to know what math curriculum you guys use! How does it tie in well with Charlotte Mason methods of teaching? What advice would you give others who have questions or are struggling with this subject?

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