Homeschooling with Charlotte Mason in the Natural State

Saturday, May 17, 2014

It's Summer!!!

Well, at our house it is officially summer break! Yeah! (That's from me :) I'm sure the kids will again too.)  As summer break hits off we will be taking some time off of publishing posts and spend some quality time just hanging with my kiddos. I hope you all do the same, they are only this age once. (Sorry didn't mean to make you sad, or did I hehe)

Summer break here in Arkansas comes with hot summer days......just wondering now, when they'll actually get here. It has been a rainy drizzle and cold weather outside our house today. This weather really is making it hard for me to get in the summer mode. Oh well, the garden is planted and the plants growing, thankfully taller than the weeds :), lets me know that the hot sweltering summer days will be here. And since this is Arkansas where the weather makes you think you're rolling a dice, summer could very well be here tomorrow or next week.

Don't get me wrong ya'll, I do LOVE Arkansas. 

While we take a break from posting don't forget you can fill your summer with great trips to any of Arkansas' wonderful state parks, the Museum of Discovery, the Zoo, the Nature Centers, or catch a play.

Happy Summer Break Ya'll!

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