Homeschooling with Charlotte Mason in the Natural State

Thursday, January 9, 2014

More FREE Classics

As I mentioned the other day about free classics. I figured you guys might like a link to my simple, yet purposeful blog.

You see this blog is nothing but the Robinson Curriculum Books laid out for each level/grade.

You can find online else where the list of Robinson Curriculum Books, so I've took those list of books (plus a few extra that my kids have enjoyed) and added them to the list on my simple, yet purposeful blog. :)

This blog is basically made up of the list/grade level books that Robinson goes by in his curriculum. So when you click on a level, say level 3 it will take you to what I've researched to be the level or Grade 3 books for Robinson Curriculum.

Once you are on Level/Grade 3...

You will see an extensive list of books, ALL in the public domain!

So instead of just pointing you to where you can download each and every book. I've pointed you (and my kids) to the exact book or audio from and

So all books on my simple, yet purposeful blog is from the public domain and redirects you to and/or

Now you are probably wondering.... "Okay! Already! What is the name of the simple, yet purposeful blog and where is the link for it!"

Well....(drum roll please) :)

It is so unique in name that I have to clarify it for you (HAHA- I'm so original LOL)

Like I said it's a simple, yet purposeful blog. ;)

Hope you enjoy! (Also, if you notice I've created a link to it on the menu bar also)

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